Commander Kryptonite: Killing the Undead

    Greetings EDH enthusiasts, and welcome back to another exciting installment of our Commander Kryptonite series! In recent weeks, we've embarked on thrilling adventures—slaying dragons, overwhelming elves, and even facing off against nimble ninjas. However, this time around, we're diving into a more intricate challenge: the undead.

    At the heart of our exploration is none other than Wilhelt, The Rotcleaver. As we revisited Innistrad, we were introduced to preconstructed decks tailored to different creature types. Among them, the Dimir Zombies deck led by Wilhelt caught our attention, featuring a unique blend of a once-per-turn sac outlet, card draw, and zombie token production. Despite other formidable zombie commanders such as Scarab God and Varina, Lich Queen, Wilhelt has emerged as the commander of choice.

    Delving into the deck's core strategy, it unfolds as a symphony of undead maneuvers. The objective is clear: play zombies, strategically sacrifice them for various benefits, draw cards, create zombie tokens, and then rinse and repeat. This iterative process builds up a considerable amount of value, paving the way for potential combos, a formidable zombie army, or a game-ending drain effect exemplified by the notorious Gray Merchant of Asphodel, affectionately known as Gary.

    What sets this deck apart is its remarkable resiliency. Thanks to the ability to cast zombies from the graveyard, the deck consistently generates card advantage, even in the absence of the commander. The life-draining effects add another layer of complexity, making it challenging for opponents to thwart the deck's plans. Furthermore, the inclusion of Grave pact effects ensures control by compelling opponents to sacrifice creatures.

    However, as with most zombie-themed decks, there exists a vulnerability—graveyard hate. Disruptive effects that exile graveyards or creatures can throw a wrench into the deck's well-oiled machinery. Zombies, individually lacking overwhelming strength, can struggle against smaller numbers, and the deck is notably susceptible to airborne threats, particularly flying creatures.

    To counteract potential graveyard hate, strategic planning becomes imperative. During mulligans, prioritize cards that address this concern, employ tutors to search for solutions, or draw into the necessary answers. Utilizing exile removal effects on key zombies further prevents their inevitable return to the battlefield. Gravecrawler and sac outlets like Phyrexian Altar or Ashnod’s Altar demand vigilant observation, as their synergy can lead to infinite sac loops, presenting a formidable challenge for opponents.

    For those seeking to fortify their decks against the looming undead horde, integrating graveyard hate cards becomes paramount. A top-tier choice is Rest in Peace, a powerful enchantment that not only enters the battlefield to exile all graveyards but also prevents cards from heading to the graveyard. Alternatively, Relic of Progenitus offers versatility with a targeted graveyard removal ability and a global exile effect coupled with card draw upon sacrifice.

    In conclusion, there you have it—a comprehensive strategy to not only confront but conquer the undead menace. For any suggestions, feedback, or to share your thoughts on our podcast "The Thought Vessel Show," we welcome your emails at Until our next rendezvous, this is Levi, signing off. May your battles against the undead be triumphant!
