Commander Bad Habits: Fixing Your Curve

    Hello Everyone! This week we are continuing our look into bad habits commander players have. Today, let's chat about a little something called mana curve. It might sound a bit like jargon at first, but trust me, understanding it can really save you when you're out there slinging spells.

    Alright, so picture this: you're building your very own Commander deck, and you've got all these awesome cards laid out. But here's the thing—loading up your deck with a bunch of super expensive spells might seem like a good idea at first. I mean, who doesn't want to unleash some epic stuff, right? Well...

    Here's the problem. If all your cards cost an arm and a leg, you might find yourself in a bind, especially in the early game. Imagine sitting there, waiting forever to cast anything meaningful, while your opponents are already building their boards up. Not a great feeling, trust me.

    And it's not just about the early game. Having a high mana curve can cramp your style throughout the whole match. You'll find yourself struggling to keep up, unable to react to what your opponents are doing, and just feeling kinda stuck. While opponents are able to cast two, three, maybe more spells per turn, you're only committing one spell at a time to the table meaning it is get removed for being the biggest threat, you basically took a turn off.

    So, what's the solution? Balance, my friend. It's all about finding that sweet spot between low, medium, and high-cost spells. That way, you've got options at every stage of the game, whether you're just starting out or you're ready to bring down the house.

    Remember, Commander is all about diversity, adaptability, and having a blast with your friends. So, next time you're building a deck, take a minute to think about your mana curve. Trust me, it'll make your Commander adventures a whole lot smoother. It is not a coincidence that the lowest mana curves out there are usually in the cEDH realm.

    And hey, don't stress if you don't get it right the first time. Deck-building is all about trial and error. So, experiment, tweak, and most importantly, have fun with it! Before you know it, you'll be a mana curve master, slinging spells like a pro and dominating the battlefield.

    So, there you have it, folks. Embrace the balance, steer clear of the pitfalls of a high mana curve, and go forth to conquer the Commander world with confidence! If you have a topic you would like to see on the show or in our podcast, The Thought Vessel Show on Spotify, send us an email at
