Coolstuffinc and the Future of this Blog

    In 2015, I started playing a game called "Dicemasters." It was a game produced by Wizkids that combined deck-building, Magic mechanics, and a Marvel/DC license. I really enjoyed playing the game and wanted to collect and build different teams. The only problem was that no local game store in the area sold singles for Dicemasters. Everything was sold in packs, and sometimes they wouldn't even have the sets you wanted. To fix the problem, I looked online and was introduced to Coolstuffinc for the very first time.

    Coolstuffinc was a collectible game store online with reasonable prices and a pretty sweet loyalty program, so I bought all my Dicemasters supplies through them. Eventually, I moved to Magic since no one around me played Dicemasters, and again, I started using Coolstuffinc for cards and occasionally supplies in addition to my local gaming stores. A couple of months ago, Coolstuffinc put out a posting looking for writers for their website. Naturally, I applied since I love Magic as well as Coolstuffinc. I gave them links to our podcast and blog so they could see my work, and eventually, they reached out. I didn't think that I would get this opportunity, and I am going to make the most of it. Every week, I will have a new article on their website. This brings the question: what will happen with this blog?

    For now, I intend to share links to the articles on Coolstuffinc so those of you who follow my articles here can find them easily. I will also be posting additional content here, from essays about topics we cover on the podcast that I feel need more detail/context to articles that I really want to write that may not fit with what Coolstuffinc wants. This is only the beginning of our journey here, and I'm incredibly thrilled to be doing this with all of you. For the readers who tune into every article, your support means more than you will ever know.

My First Article is Here:

   Until Next Time!
