5 tips for going to a MTG Convention.

Most of you might know this, but this weekend is SCG Con, Atlanta. The Thought Vessel crew will be out in full force this weekend as we have gone to several cons over the years and we enjoy it a great deal. This week we are looking at 5 tips for navigating a MTG convention. 

1. Plan Your Play:

Before you dive headfirst into the convention chaos, take a breather and plan your game plan. Check out the event schedule, mark down the tournaments and panels you're itching to join, and maybe even pre-register if you can. Oh, and don't forget to map out the layout of the convention center—you don't want to get lost in a sea of game tables and merchandise booths!

2. Pack Like a Pro:

You're going to be in it for the long haul, so make sure you've got all your essentials packed and ready to roll. Bring your go-to decks, playmats, dice—whatever you need to dominate the battlefield. Comfort is key, too, so opt for some comfy kicks and clothes that won't cramp your style. And stash some snacks and water in your bag to keep those energy levels up!

3. Mix and Mingle:

One of the coolest parts of any Magic con is meeting fellow players who share your passion for the game. Don't be shy—strike up conversations, swap stories, and maybe even make some new gaming buddies along the way. The Magic community is all about inclusivity and having a blast together, so dive in and make some memories!

4. Vendor Village Vibes:

Prepare to be dazzled by the treasure trove of goodies at the vendor booths. From booster packs to rare singles, there's something for every Magic aficionado. Take your time browsing, scope out those sweet deals, and don't be afraid to flex those negotiation skills. Just remember to play fair and respect the vendors—they're here to make magic happen, too!

5. Pace Yourself, Champ:

With so much excitement packed into one weekend, it's easy to get swept up in the frenzy. But remember to listen to your body and take breaks when you need 'em. Step outside for some fresh air, grab a bite with friends, or just chill out in a quiet corner for a bit. Burning out mid-con won't do anyone any favors, so remember to find that balance between play and R&R.

Hopefully we will see some of you at the convention this weekend in Atlanta! If you have a topic for the podcast or blog, send us an email at thoughtvesselshow@gmail.com. 
