Slowing the Fast: How to beat Isshin, Two Heavens as One

In the realm of Kamigawa Neon Dynasty, where every card holds the promise of new and unique strategies, one commander stands out with an uncompromising approach to battle— I present to you Isshin, Two Heavens as One. Much like the deck it leads, we won't waste any time; let's delve into the intricacies of this intriguing addition to the Magic: The Gathering universe.

The Card: Isshin, Two Heavens as One is a captivating anomaly in the Kamigawa Neon Dynasty set, introducing a commander that doubles up on attack triggers. While doubling effects have become a common trend in recent card designs, Wizards of the Coast unleashed a similar commander, Wulfgar of Icewind Dale, roughly 18 months prior. However, Isshin distinguishes itself by residing in the Mardu colors—Red, White, and Black—promising a distinct playstyle. Transparent in its strategy, Isshin urges its controller to adopt an offensive and defensive stance simultaneously, capitalizing on triggered effects that punish opponents for daring to attack.

The Deck: Given Isshin's Mardu identity, the deck's primary objective is speed. Swift deployment of Isshin and value-packed attackers is crucial, allowing the accumulation of value before opponents can establish a solid defense. Many builds incorporate protective cards like Reconnaissance and Iroas, God of Victory, ensuring the safety of attacking creatures. Some decks even adopt an Exalted mechanic, shaping a more focused Voltron build.

Strengths: The deck's potency lies in its speed. With a low curve and aggressive gameplay, Isshin can swiftly bring about the end of a game, catching opponents off guard and unable to react in time.

Weaknesses: However, the absence of blue or green colors leaves the deck vulnerable to potential card shortages in the later stages of the game. Outlasting becomes paramount as opponents refill their hands and cast higher-impact spells, potentially causing Isshin to fall behind.

Game Plan: The key to success lies in outlasting the opposition. Early establishment of blockers is essential, deterring Isshin from choosing you as a target. Deathtouch becomes a powerful tool against aggressive adversaries, forcing trades and maintaining board control. When considering removal options against Isshin, prioritize eliminating cards that provide card advantage for the Isshin player. Push them into topdecking mode, where their three-drop creatures struggle against the onslaught of 6-7 drop spells from other players.

Kryptonite: To counter this formidable deck, deploying cards that hinder attackers is paramount. Meekstone, a creature that keeps Isshin's biggest threats tapped down, No Mercy, an enchantment that annihilates any creature dealing combat damage, and Propaganda effects that force opponents to pay for attacks, significantly slowing down the deck. Additionally, Settle the Wreckage proves formidable, exiling all attacking creatures and disrupting Isshin's aggressive onslaught.

In the realm of Kamigawa Neon Dynasty, Isshin, Two Heavens as One, brings a dynamic and aggressive edge to Magic: The Gathering. Its prowess lies in speed, but strategic vulnerabilities surface without the card advantage typical of blue or green decks.

The game plan involves a delicate balance of offense and defense, emphasizing early blockers and clever removal to outlast opponents. Facing this deck requires wielding cards like Meekstone, No Mercy, Propaganda, and Settle the Wreckage as kryptonite.

As the Magic battlefield evolves, Isshin stands as a testament to expanding possibilities. Whether piloting or facing it, mastering the nuances is key in the ever-shifting landscape of Magic: The Gathering. May your spells be potent, and victories resounding.

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