Commander Kryptonite: She's an angry elf.

    Hello everyone! I hope your holiday season has been enchanting, filled with delightful gatherings. Today, we're delving into the magical realm of elves—not Buddy, not Dennis, but the illustrious elves of Magic: The Gathering. This tribe stands out as one of the deepest, most versatile, and fastest groups in the magical multiverse, led by none other than the formidable Lathril, Blade of the Elves.

The Commander
    Now, among the commanders we're exploring, Lathril emerges as one of the more seemingly innocuous figures. Hailing from the Kaldheim set, Lathril introduces the color black to the elvish ranks, providing upgrades in draw, removal, and tutors. Sporting Menace, Lathril generates a 1/1 elf warrior for each point of damage dealt, rapidly bolstering your army, even with her modest 2 power.

The Deck
    As expected, the deck revolves around a singular theme: elves. Swiftly deploying elves and launching attacks to spawn even more elves is the name of the game. Some variations incorporate modifiers to boost Lathril's power, enhancing the output of elves each turn. Typical green finishers like Coat of Arms or Craterhoof Behemoth seal the deal. Additionally, Lathril's often-overlooked ability to tap 10 elves, including herself, allows for a non-combat victory by draining opponents.

    Elves shine in two key areas: speed/mana production and redundancy. The entire deck harmonizes around quickly replenishing the battlefield with new elves. Their rapid deployment takes advantage of the early turns, catching opponents still in the midst of setting up ramp or card draw. Lathril's Menace proves surprisingly effective, creating opportunities to connect and produce more elves. The deck benefits from numerous "lord" creatures, amplifying the power of all other elves.

    However, like most elf decks, a well-timed board wipe poses a significant threat. While the deck can incorporate heroic intervention, its effectiveness against specific removals, bounces, exiles, or -X/-X effects is limited. The speed of the deck makes it susceptible to early-game removal; if disrupted, Lathril might run out of steam, allowing opponents to stabilize. In prolonged games, control, combo, or other archetype decks gain an advantage.

Kicking the Elfball
    For those facing the elven onslaught, stabilization becomes paramount. Redirect early attacks away from yourself, deploy removal on Lathril, and search for board wipes. If possible, fortify your defenses with blockers, ensuring you don't draw undue attention. Keep your hand full, ramp efficiently, and prepare for the eventual board wipe. Once the creatures are cleared, seize the moment to unleash your own threats—a second wave that may tip the scales in your favor since most early game removal will go towards the elf threats and the elves will take some time to rebuild.

    Elves, like many other strategies, crumble in the face of board wipes. Their effectiveness hinges on larger numbers, making them vulnerable to mass removals. If elves are proving to be a thorn in your side, consider adding two or three additional sweepers to your deck for increased consistency.

In conclusion, that's the strategy to triumph over elves! Who would you like us to explore next? Share your thoughts with us at
